130m + OCD change

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

130m Rockets - the dumbfire ones come out in stacks of 300 but you can only bring them to your inventory in stacks of 200. This results in several hundred you gotta dump on the ground. Can this be fixed in the OCD?

I can’t follow.
Alpha 7 or 8?
What is dumbfire?

These missile 130mm MSL… They stack in 200s in the game. You have them in stacks of 300 when you pull them out of your OCD. So you dump them into your inventory and it fills up and you have like 15 stacks of 100 each left in the OCD window you gotta drop 1 by 1 on the ground and then pickup after your empty your inventory.

This is from a completely empty inventory. The OCD needs to pull in increments of 200.

I see, thx.

This is already an adaption of Alpha 8. It’s a commit which got in to HWS 7 by accident.
So will be fixed in HWS 8.

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