Alien Core does not respond to do:ac:ID

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: Paid money for an alien core, put it in, followed the directions, waited 5 mins then typed in command. Triple checked ID. Still not working 60 mins later
Player(s) with issue: Mohuncher
Server: NA
Time (cb:time): 0629 EST
Playfield: Eden System
Structure Name(s): Moe’s CV
Structure ID(s): 27647740
How can we help you now: Alien core needs to be assigned to owner Mohuncher


I will set it to your faction now. But you have to wait 5 minutes AFTER you CREATED the ship. Thats the most important part :wink:

Thank you. The ship had already been made, it is his personal cv that he replaced the core on. Maybe he didn’t wait 5 minutes after taking out the old one. But he has been trying the command for about an hour or more.

YIKES!!! His ship disappeared altogether.

Hey, the problem is a different one-. It was bugged. a duplicate existed.
I deleted one of them.
The other is on ECC right now

I teleported it close to your HOME CV in Eden System

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Thank you. He got the CV back. Any chance of getting back the sv that was docked to it?

Do you have the id by chance?

No, sadly, he hadn’t written that one down.

No problem. let me check

OK. Should be bacl

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EXCELLENT!!! YOU ROCK!!! Thank you so much. I hope the rest of your weekend is wonderful.


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