======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======
What happened :An alien cored raider got deleted due to not being touched.
Player(s) with issue: Zackey_TNT
Server: HWS NA
Time (cb:time): Sunday, 27th May, 2018, 00:08 (the time that I noticed it missing)
Playfield: Imperium
Structure Name(s): Zack’s Paladin
Structure ID(s): Unknown
How can we help you now: I’ve seen others pay a “fee” for said ship to be restored, I’d like to pay that fee to get it back. I do apologize for the inconvenience, I was away doing semester finals.
How long did you not touch it. Its not listed anymore in the logs. Or is the name wrong?
I would need a clear ID or maybe the correct name to find it.
But if you don’t remember when you touched it last and when it was gone, then I guess its more then 3 days old and therefore not even in our backups anymore. Sorry 
It’s been through many names unfortunately, you could just try ‘Zack’ as all my ships have that in the name. If its impossible to recover the ship then perhaps an alien core could be given? I am sorry for the inconvenience, its just that I worked very hard for that raider 
I looked, but beside your two current structures I don’t find anything. No logs, nothing.
That means they are gone for long. And without proof of logs we can’t just give a alien core. Sorry