All my stuff is gone , big bug i think :/

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened?
=> i lost my cv and my base, just disapear under my eyes few second after connexion

Player(s) with issue? (steam name)
=>faction (Scr) name Taran (Entity Id: 8838537 )

Server? (EU or NA or RE)
=> server EU

When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time)
=> i lost my cv and my base, just disapear under my eyes few second after connexion

On which Playfield?
=> Hasetwure Radhu

Structure Name(s)?
=> Haven 17897750
Ferme Pyramide 18056828
Kraken-SXC 32864397

Structure ID(s) (Open ingame console and type di)?
=> 17897750
How can we help you now?
=> can you respawn our stuff please , just the cv if it’s complicate (many xenoblock) :confused:

When did you last touch the lost structures?

one month for my cv
23 day for my base
but it’s weird , I logged in and it disappeared in front of my eyes

It doesn’t get removed by the game until someone loads the playfield and gets within DSL render distance, I believe.

That’s why you saw it vanish after you logged in. Likely no one had loaded the playfield.

It is because you didn’t touch them in too long.

I know that unused structures normally disappear after 15 days, but it never happened on random planets, the last time I logged in after 3 months of absence everything was present, and strangely my sv in which I appeared is still there, other structures of our faction on other playfield not used for a longer time are still there…

Someone else might have touched them if it didn’t happen before. 15 day timer counts everywhere, also random planets.

ow ok so it’s my fault, I really thought I escaped the 15-day rule by being on a distant planet :confused:

Sadly not. Only way is the holliday package :slightly_smiling_face:

Lets hope there is a backup for @RexXxuS to look at :+1:

I’m sorry. I couldn’t find it in our backups anymore.

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no problem Rexus, thanks for watching :wink:

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