What if a planets resources where dependent on it’s sparsity, If the more cores a planet has the less resources it has every server restart (in term of amount of nodes per resource instead of less diversity, and longer periods between meteor’s and maybe over 240 cores meteors stop falling and placed auto-miners stop producing until it is reduced.), and the more empty a planet is, the more and more resources it aquire’s. I understand that maybe there is no hard-coded way to do this but it could be interesting. Imagen people venturing into the desolate outlands in seek of riches and glory and getting off those 240 core pve wastelands.
I was one of the first who arrive. I place AMD on every deposit. And now I dont care, would dat meteors fall, or not. ©
Think about this example.
What if any autominers placed also stop producing anything until cores are back down again Added
As I know, its impossible to set, due to game-core.
Game core can be changed, there just needs to be a need. (even if only for 10,0)
Need of Devs. I dont think they ever think about that…
Problem is that resource nodes can only be adjusted with surface wipe. Meteor density MIGHT be able to be adjusted, but other than a neat mechanic, I dont know what you would gain. Although now thinking about this, in terms of using it to nudge high pop playfields to lower amounts, it does get me thinking whether or not the HWS tool could be adapted to prevent warp/entry to planets or space that was overloaded. That way there would be no way to increase the core count beyond warning amount. Of course this would cause issues with ecc space, etc…
Would be amazing if that is posible but could be abuzed 2 people sit near planet 1 with 50 cores and 1 pvp fit, when they see a warp flash they wait for the target to get closer then overload the planet while the pvp cv sits outside pummeling the poor guy unable to get in.
You know sometimes the admins try so hard to fix what was never broke. The resource system in 4.0 was basically fine, just needs to be tweaked for 6.0.
You only need 2 planets, each drops half the basic resources (i.e. one iron, cobalt, prom, the other copper/sil/mag). Just have one planet be pve Mon-Thurs, other pve Fri-Sun and pvp outside those times. Make playfield fully indestructible so ppl can drop AMDs without having to worry about noobs mining out deposits on them later, they can drop random meteors too for those who don’t have AMD. Limit to a single private class 1 SV/HV only (that’s all you need to pick up ores).
No BA/CV allowed, everyone can get their needed resources to pvp no problem, don’t have to worry about this 250 core issue or the playfield lagging to all hell.
how many times did you find pvp on those rotating planets thou? maybe 1 guy that overslept and forgot to move before the pvp switch, that’s not real pvp Although I will admit planet hopping is a lot more fun that 1 perma pve planet.
The point of those planets isn’t for pvp itself, it’s just getting the basic resources needed to pvp especially for new players who don’t have filled OCDs. No BA/CV living and regular wipes means no one would be hiding down there permanently eating up server resources. It’s not like anyone is doing pvp on Ju or Athos right now.
HWS’s long term life depends on having a steady influx on new players coming in and staying (we see how quick some vets get bored after a few weeks). If it is too hard to get back on your feet after getting wiped out, the new players will just keep leaving. I liked playing on NA when we had 200 players during peak times, it felt more alive.
As far as pvp on those planets back in 4.0, we always had fun fights when the planets switched over to pvp. There were always tons of ppl who forgot to pull their AMDs. It was funny to see how blood thirsty and greedy traders would become after they see 100k iron worth of filled AMDs just free for the taking.
Well. I would not play without pve areas. I am not interested in travelling 10 to 15 minutes just to get 40 km from the planet and perhaps be safe. Every time i play. And if i risk ships every time i would just build cheap crappy ships.
So if pve area is too crowded… well then we need more pve areas. With limitations. Like only 1 base and one of each kind of ship parked per person on ALL pve orbits. And one base for the faction.