What happened: Logged in and base was gone Player(s) with issue: Me? Server: EU Time (cb:time): 2:25am Playfield: Freelancer HQ Structure Name(s): UKCore temp Structure ID(s): 17776119 How can we help you now: Well, how can I get this base back? I looked through commands found ship buy but didn’t work… asked the server and got blanked so I have no idea what went wrong here and now?
Been waiting over a hour for it to respawn… could you perhaps do it later due to i have work in the morning and I don’t want to wait all day for something i expected half an hour ago
Sorry was the whole day gone. I can only spawn it when you are online. So I cant “just” spawn it.
But I did it now myself, spawned it and added a few blocks to prevent another decay.
Cheers for fixing it, one last thing curious and scared, but it’s now duplicated the ID in my structure command, is this something i should be concerned about? one that you re spawned appears to still be deleted " 17776119 " and the one you have spawned gave itself a new id " 18757146 " will the previous one that it still deleted not be a problem since it’s been deleted? and for what i mean I mean the two UK
Hey, no thats how it works. If we respawn a structure it gets a new ID. therefore the old sitll shows as deleted for a few days. So nothing to worry about