Base disappeared

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: Logged in and base was gone
Player(s) with issue: Me?
Server: EU
Time (cb:time): 2:25am
Playfield: Freelancer HQ
Structure Name(s): UKCore temp
Structure ID(s): 17776119
How can we help you now: Well, how can I get this base back? I looked through commands found ship buy but didn’t work… asked the server and got blanked so I have no idea what went wrong here and now?

Sorry. But your base was to smal. It has to have at least 10 blocks. But you only had 7…
The game automatically deletes such bases.

We could spawn it from backup maybe if you get online today but you would have to change it then directly

Aha yeah sure that would be great! I’ll head on now!

Been waiting over a hour for it to respawn… could you perhaps do it later due to i have work in the morning and I don’t want to wait all day for something i expected half an hour ago

Sorry was the whole day gone. I can only spawn it when you are online. So I cant “just” spawn it.
But I did it now myself, spawned it and added a few blocks to prevent another decay.

Cheers for fixing it, one last thing curious and scared, but it’s now duplicated the ID in my structure command, is this something i should be concerned about? one that you re spawned appears to still be deleted " 17776119 " and the one you have spawned gave itself a new id " 18757146 " will the previous one that it still deleted not be a problem since it’s been deleted? and for what i mean I mean the two UK

(image should help clear what i mean)

Hey, no thats how it works. If we respawn a structure it gets a new ID. therefore the old sitll shows as deleted for a few days. So nothing to worry about :slight_smile:

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