Been penalized for base class warnings?

been taxed too much no info

so im kind of a new player to hws but so far i like this server
im a hunter starter and i havent left orbit yet.
ive been learning about new features like EB etc
so ive been depositing some money in there, here and there.
im in a faction 4 people, my mate built a space base.
I wanted to build one of my own.
i built a space station, initially it was kind of large i guess class 5,
so i went in creative and took out all the machines, to make it class 4,
spawned it, all of a sudden i get the warning.
you can only have 1 BA in orbit, so fix it or it will be deleted.
so i removed the core, this fixed the problem. but that error, came
maybe 3 or 4 times, before i removed the core. So i left the faction,
so i could have my own space BA, put in the core, everythings fine.
i added 6 constructors,
everythings fine, then all of a sudden i get server error, your base is class 5
please fix or you will lose a base.
so i removed the constructors, and looks like error went away.
as ive been checking about EB and credits, i realised some how
in the EB now i have 0 credits and a debt of 177K???
so someone told me in chat, if i have a faction violation, i can be charged…
look i didnt know anything about this, nor can i find any info, about why i have
accrued this huge debt.
in my connect under taxes it says i have none.
in my EB it says i have no money, with no account history info there.
whats going on?
and can an admin please remove this mysterious debt?
i really dont think i deserve having such a huge tax, like this,
for just normal playing, and building. This is a major problem,
and i cannot really continue in the beginning of the game,
with this kind of large tax debt on my head!!!
for me this is really game breaking!!!
please help!! admin server!!!

cant help you much I am afraid, but I have edited your title to be a little more accurate, and will poke @RexXxuS (<like that) to kinda nudge him in this direction.

buuuuuut to be fair 6.0 will wipe all bank debt. So dont get too upset.

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we will investigate and ensure all is explained and any issues fixed for 6.0 tax system

i only have access to slave tool so i have added the credits to your inventory. just add them to your bank and debt will be gone.

thanks for playing doc
