been taxed too much no info
so im kind of a new player to hws but so far i like this server
im a hunter starter and i havent left orbit yet.
ive been learning about new features like EB etc
so ive been depositing some money in there, here and there.
im in a faction 4 people, my mate built a space base.
I wanted to build one of my own.
i built a space station, initially it was kind of large i guess class 5,
so i went in creative and took out all the machines, to make it class 4,
spawned it, all of a sudden i get the warning.
you can only have 1 BA in orbit, so fix it or it will be deleted.
so i removed the core, this fixed the problem. but that error, came
maybe 3 or 4 times, before i removed the core. So i left the faction,
so i could have my own space BA, put in the core, everythings fine.
i added 6 constructors,
everythings fine, then all of a sudden i get server error, your base is class 5
please fix or you will lose a base.
so i removed the constructors, and looks like error went away.
as ive been checking about EB and credits, i realised some how
in the EB now i have 0 credits and a debt of 177K???
so someone told me in chat, if i have a faction violation, i can be charged…
look i didnt know anything about this, nor can i find any info, about why i have
accrued this huge debt.
in my connect under taxes it says i have none.
in my EB it says i have no money, with no account history info there.
whats going on?
and can an admin please remove this mysterious debt?
i really dont think i deserve having such a huge tax, like this,
for just normal playing, and building. This is a major problem,
and i cannot really continue in the beginning of the game,
with this kind of large tax debt on my head!!!
for me this is really game breaking!!!
please help!! admin server!!!