Cannot spawn my base at Freelance Cryo

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: Cannot spawn base at Freelance Cryo.Getting information that there is base already. Don’t see any around.
Player(s) with issue: YGA
Time (cb:time): 8:00
**Playfield:**cpprdinates -7625,63,869
Structure Name(s): Write here
Structure ID(s): Write here
How can we help you now: Just say what to do?

It’s a problem in general, right.
We try to remove unused structures for now until Eleon maybe increases the core limit

If anyone have any private structure, private constructor or private ship near by it wont allow to spawn anything on that area. You can see under the healthbar those grey or white icons, if the last 2 one are white, your too near existing structure. Only option is move further. Btw, it seems that the radius is increased from 7.x.x so you cant build so close to other buildings anymore.

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