Cave Reward Ship

I recently got the cave reward ship, and I realized it is not up to date to empyrion 10.5, its completely missing a shield. Thats why i thought, it would be nice adding it (a CV t1 shield would be really epic). Tell me what you think of this idea!

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but absolutely not. Many players already complain about shields being too powerful, and Rex - with good cause - has said he will not allow CV shields onto SVs or any combination of shield generators. For good cause, what may seem like a simple miner now becomes the most effective micro SV in the game, to the point where you could never counter it. It would ruin Bases, CVs, and HVs by itself, possibly all together. CV shields are meant for CVs, the cave miner is built for mining. Not for invincibility (anyone flying a cave miner with a CV shield would escape, unless they didn’t want to escape.) I would even suspect anyone flying one would win quite easily. You could just remove the lazers and turn it into an average PvP SV, or remove the lazers and some armor and voila. You now have a micro SV with a t1 shield gen. Sure you could place it off to the side or in an odd location, but if it’s possible to do it, players will do it, and that includes exploits.

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Well actually, Will, you can add a CV Shield, but it does nothing for the vessel. The Shield amount for SV/HV is decided by the vessel type, not the shield in it. An SV shield would be a good addition to it though :wink:

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now i would love to be able to place an sv shield on a cv because of the 1x2x3 block size even if the capacity weren’t the same…

Was no shield last season either. Build one, update the ship :wink:

Thanks, did not know :slight_smile:

I did, but im a really really bad designer so it looks like trash now :smiley:

No better not do that , cv shield is to op , and to give yo all the info i present Rex 's biggest nightmare , for yo all to try out in private and see how cv shield works on a sv :slight_smile:

Acid Wonder 100%.epb (8.3 KB)

It can’t be spawned on a server , from me free to use , but do not abuse .

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Nice! I did not expect this,