We have a class restriction now that is set to Class 4 but only when spawning ships from blueprints…
Whats the use of that ? People are adding on blocks after and we have the same lag issue as before.
Isnt it better that you use the tool to force class 4 restrictions ??
If we could do that we have done it already. Easy.
Maybe we get the data soon from the Devs for our tool…
This is a tricky one. I saw it being discussed openly today in global. Locks only keep honest people honest.
January 25, 2017, 10:52am
But im soirry to say that alot of people use this hack.
January 25, 2017, 12:04pm
We all fly on old ship from 5.0 But PKA use it “hack” more that others. Two captured ship is 7 class (I hope it is spawned in 5.0) . But we ready for 4cl
I dont accuse anyone or anything. I know we have ald ships that are large. Mine is class 4 now but i needed to rebuild it alot.
Im good with it when the server get class for and the tool can check it. We are totaly ready for aswell.
I love it when people ignore that it has been proven over and over again that block counts account for a tiny fraction of lag compared to lights and TURRETS.
January 25, 2017, 3:08pm
Gas cloud in black hole doesn’t help either.
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