Class restrictions - Why dont we have them for real?

We have a class restriction now that is set to Class 4 but only when spawning ships from blueprints…

Whats the use of that ? People are adding on blocks after and we have the same lag issue as before.

Isnt it better that you use the tool to force class 4 restrictions ??


If we could do that we have done it already. Easy.

Maybe we get the data soon from the Devs for our tool…

This is a tricky one. I saw it being discussed openly today in global. Locks only keep honest people honest. :slight_smile:

But im soirry to say that alot of people use this hack.

We all fly on old ship from 5.0 But PKA use it “hack” more that others. Two captured ship is 7 class (I hope it is spawned in 5.0) . But we ready for 4cl :slight_smile:

I dont accuse anyone or anything. I know we have ald ships that are large. Mine is class 4 now but i needed to rebuild it alot.

Im good with it when the server get class for and the tool can check it. We are totaly ready for aswell.

I love it when people ignore that it has been proven over and over again that block counts account for a tiny fraction of lag compared to lights and TURRETS.

Gas cloud in black hole doesn’t help either.

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