Does anyone know how it is that the [RED] psychos are able to sneak up on people in Black Hole?
Are they using EGS:Stealth or something else?
Sure feels like cheating to me when they appear out of nowhere right on top of you and kill you before you have any chance to respond.
Anyone else have a similar experience?
I have not had that experience. They may be scouting 24/7 and find you. I would have one of your faction members hang around above you in a SV and his/her only job is to scan the horizon for enemy ships. An early warning detection.
Or if you don’t have faction members bring a little turret and spawn it, arm it, fuel it. You will hear the gunfire that way as a early warning system.
Thanks for that - my CV turrets opened fire but they were coming around the asteroid I was mining by then. Just surprised that they didn’t show up on radar as I looked only 20 seconds before that.
YOU are the lol. Really. If you hiding in 30km from nearest planet - it is maybe a cheat. But you DIG the asteroids in asteroid belt.
How does that make him the LOL - I mean - Isnt the game part of mining asteroids??? Stop trolling because your only embarassing yourself… @A.F.T
Mining asteroids, POIs, or just trolling on ANY PvP play field, expect someone at any time to attack. AFT is right to lol, don’t take something you can’t afford to lose into PvP. Don’t carry your life work with you either, unless you like begging or starting over.
1st place any one looks for a ship to attack is asteroid field. Very dangerous area, and you are easy to visually spot long before attacker appears on radar. 20 seconds, far to long from your last radar check.
Dont rely on the radar to give you early warning. By then, you’re already spotted and they are moving in for the kill. If you see them on radar as soon as they are within radar range ---- expect to be under fire less than 5 seconds later.
RED’s just hunting over bait. Bait = minable asteroids.
And, AFT is not trolling ---- he gave 100% accurate response.
Radar is useless. You need to watch your surrounding, enemy vessel will render at 3 km, less than 30 sec to catch you. You need to be ready to warp as soon as you spot suspicious moving shadows so every time you warp in a system, lock another one to save time. Your cv might be to small if they were able to destroy it. My last encounter with RED in black hole (6.x) ended with all cv without any turrets and nothing else to do but warp home.