Could you please let the block repair active throughout the repair?

Could you please let the block repair active in our databases as before in previous versions? Indeed when it takes 5 hours of repair and we have a job on the side. The repair is deactivated when we disconnect.
In addition to that we can not leave the PC always on and when there are restarts we have to reconnect losing the entire repair. We have to start again at 5 hours of repair. the slightest disconnection of the player = starting all over again. +
taking into account the restart of 6 h 9 h 12 h… = impossible to reconnect.
Could you please let the block repair active throughout the repair? Thank you.

It’s not HWS issue at all, you should write to official Eleon forum at least.
This stuff with repairing has a very long story. Not sure devs are competent enough to solve this problem once and for all.

Also repair speed was doubled some time ago. Maybe its better to just recycle and spawn new BP instead of waiting for 5 hours.

Really ? Ah ok thank you very much. Sorry. OK it s done now on ELEON forum

I mean… this problem is so old and there is no clear fix still. So I just doubt your post will help to fix it :slight_smile:

More than 3 years ago. It worked perfectly. However let’s remember :slight_smile:

The problem is worse this season but Rex doubled repair speed to try to help. Otherwise yes recycle is your friend