CV blueprint didn't spawn

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> I tried to spawn my CV blueprint, however I was disconnected the very moment I spawned it (as I clicked the button to place it in the world). System message popped up and stated the vessel was spawned then I was disconnected. When I logged back in a moment later, the vessel was not there and the blueprint was not in my factory ready to spawn. The ship and all resources used to spawn it vanished into the void it seems. Any help would be appreciated.

Player(s) with issue:
=> JTWorrell

=> NA

Time (cb:time):
=> Wednesday, 15 January 2020 about 09:15

=> Xardale

Structure Name(s):
=> SFCV-001 Phantom A11

Structure ID(s):
=> Never got the chance to look

How can we help you now:
=> If there’s any chance I could get the ship I spawned back, that would be a big help.


Our database also never got the chance to fetch it. It just didn’t work.
The question is now, why it happened.
Can you send me that blueprint via PM maybe? It’s a bad sign that one blueprint can crash you down. Maybe others too?

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I tried sending it via pm on here. Hopefully it worked. Meant to post this after sending it yesterday but forgot until now. Anyway, hope you’re having a good day.

Hello @JTWorrell
sorry for the delay. Busy day.
I can spawn the blueprint just fine, so it was a random thing I guess.
I spawned the ship near you for now

Thank you for your help and all the awesome work you do with this server.


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