CV deleted in CSW

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> I CSWed from EU to NA 3 or 4 hrs ago and my CV came with me, I afked for an hour or so and died, when I came back it was gone

Player(s) with issue:
=> WillEatsPie

=> NA from EU

Time (cb:time):
=> ehm best guess - July 6 20:00

=> CSW

Structure Name(s):
=> Black and White

Structure ID(s):
=> Unknown

How can we help you now:
=> I couldn’t find the structure in my structure list, but it was a black and white CV miner LOADED with materials and epics and stuff, if it’s possible please respawn it

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@Jascha he tried to warp between NA/EU also to check! Nothing there :-/

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is that really the ships name? It does not help me if you tell me the shape of a structure. We need a real Name or Id to find it.

Only CV that might fit from the infos I got is this one:

but it was taken because of structure limits.
I restored it for now.

Please let me know if that was the right now, and if not, please give me valid informaiton.

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I’m sorry, it was a black and white CV miner, not named Black and White, I forgot. Thanks for restoring it, I appreciate you going to the trouble to check the logs for me. I was watching the screen and had my sound on while AFK at CSW, I never got a warning. Yes that’s the right one

@Jascha I don’t see it, can you respawn it on Ceres? Anywhere on Ceres is fine, but I can’t find it in registry at all, as a privated or factioned ship

I see, sorry, was still belonging to the wrong person.
I switched it now to your ownership and warped it to you

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