CV ship with SV docked lost to void

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> Flew CV with docked SV From Freelancer HQ planet into Orbit.
Received generic error when transition from planet to orbit happened, but could and did press continue.
Ended up in limbo between planet and orbit. Relogged to try to fix.
Logged in falling away from CV back to planet. Structure Commander says CV and the SV are in ‘Freelancer HQ Sector’ but do not appear to exist on planet or in orbit. CB commands do not work.
I took a 2nd SV to orbit to locate the CV, I found it but it is missing my docked SV, the icon is not on the map and I cannot interact with the CV at all.

Player(s) with issue:


Time (cb:time):
=> 1:10 PM US Central 5/30/2020

=> Freelancer HQ Planet and Freelancer HQ Sector

Structure Name(s):
=> Temp CV
ApexStriker MK.II

Structure ID(s):
=> 23456289

How can we help you now:
=> Please help me get my ships and all of the content within them back to Freelancer HQ Sector in a way that I can reach and interact with them again.

Hey I warped you and both structure to the planet.
Hope it worked and its accessible again.

Please let us know.

That got it fixed, thank you. Issue resolved.

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