Ok. So i was flying my ship out of the starter planet. It was all of a sudden deleted. Threw me out of it and disappeared. It has all my hard work in it. Can i have it back please.
What happened: Write here
Player(s) with issue: Write here
Server: Write here
Time (cb:time): Write here
Playfield: Write here
Structure Name(s): Write here
Structure ID(s): Write here
How can we help you now: Write here
^^ This is not there because it looks so great but because the admins need the information (at least the playername, server, playfield and structure name or ID) because otherwise it takes way too long to extract that information.
What happened:
Ok. So i was flying my ship out of the starter planet. It was all of a sudden deleted. Threw me out of it and disappeared. It has all my hard work in it. Can i have it back please.
Player(s) with issue:
Nestle and Ephronya
Time (cb:time):
7.00pm GMT
Structure Name(s):
Emilee and Reece
Structure ID(s):
No idea
How can we help you now:
My CV was deleted while I was taking it off thr started planet. Fell out and a message popped up saying it had been deleted. Id like my CV back. As it had all of my stuff in it. All supplies. Ore. Ingots. Food. Weapons. Building supplies…
20.05.2018 20:34:15 Destroyed Existed longer then 168 hours. Creation: 13.05.2018 20:11:58
Did you read the rules before? Structures on Starter Planets get deleted if you don’t leave them in 7 days.
I’ll spawn it back after restart and take 2 RP and 1000 Credits as fee.
Please leave the starter area as soon as possible now.
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