Did not receive my daily loot

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: Clicked the “Connect Daily Loot” while beeing offline. Logged in a few min later and ran “cb:startjobs”. Still haven’t received the items in my inventory by now (90 min later). There was plently of free slots in my inventory during the whole time.
Player(s) with issue: [POEX]Iodun
Server: HWS EU
Time (cb:time): 16.06. 15:20 to 16:50
Playfield: Allliance Cryo
Structure Name(s): Write here
Structure ID(s): Write here
How can we help you now: Check what exactly went wrong and send me the items.

According to the game logs I logged in at 15:17:
16-13:17:45.369 15_17 -LOG- Loading playfield ‘Alliance Cryo’
16-13:17:51.344 15_17 -LOG- Playfield ‘Alliance Cryo’ with playfield seed 780020187 loaded (5974 ms)

The player activity log says:
16 15:20 Connect Received items: 1 * 2302,500 * 2299,

But the items never appeared in my inventory.

Many thanks,


what do you mean?



You got them

Hi Jascha,

that is the faction supply from yesterday.
Today I used the “Connect Daily Loot” button that should have given me 1 Auto Miner Core + 500 Gold Coins and 1 Skill Point.
I received the Skill Point, but the Auto Miner Core and 500 Gold Coins never appeared in my inventory.

hm I see it.
Could it be that you did it, while you where login in?
It says you loged in ad 15:18 and an 15:20 you recieved the items. But 2 minutes might be exactly the time when you where still in the loginscreen…
Always make sure you wait until you are logged in.

I will add them now to your backpack.

Maybe thats what happend.
Is it safest to use the button only while already beeing logged in?
Thanks for your support. :slight_smile:

It should also work if you are logged out and not login in in that moment.

Okay I will keep that in mind next time.
Thanks again.

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