What happened: Used HWS Connect site to claim special X-mas daily rewards while offline. Tried using “cb"startjobs” to claim the loot… player log shows that I received items, but they never appeared in game. I got the most recent reward but not the prior ones.
Player(s) with issue: Lizann Server: NA Time (cb:time): 12/8 03:24 Playfield: Peacekeeper West Structure Name(s): NA Structure ID(s): NA How can we help you now: Description of cb:startjobs says “Start offline jobs such as the Daily Loot”. Is that supposed to allow you to use HWS daily loot while offline? Seems like it works, but only remembers the most recent job.
the special x-mas gift Daily loot was removed on 26th, so something is wrong with the date there anyways.
But cb:startjobs works not as you think.
It basically just means that you can enforce the process of your offline queue.
You were offline > clicked on daily loot > login > instead of waiting the 90 seconds or so for your daily loot arrival you can type that command to get it earlier.
@RexXxuS Okay, that’s why I asked. I was away from my gaming computer but able to access the HWS site and click on the button in Connect. I did that on the 24th and 25th, then ran cb:startjobs on the 28th when I was back at home. From reading the description of the command, I thought it was possible to access HWS Connect and click the button once a day, even if you can’t log in. And then I was further confused by the log showing that I received items when only the most recent reward (a standard one) showed up.
So, if it’s possible to queue up those daily loot jobs… I think that would be a great feature. If that’s not the expected behavior, then we have a bug because the log is reporting loot that I didn’t actually receive in-game.