Elemental Bank (EB) Commands

Chat Command Description
eb:? Provides you with useful information regarding the bank and its features.
eb:info Displays your Account #, your credits on hand, and your bank balance.
eb:upgrade Upgrades your Elemental Bank level
eb:send Teaches you how to send credits to other players. (e.g. eb:send:account-nr-of-target:AMOUNT). You / your partner get the account number by typing eb:info in chat.
eb:cointocr Removes your gold coins from your inventory and deposits them directly into your bank account. (5% transaction fee unless you are in the Elemental Bank)
eb:ingottocr Removes your gold ingots from your inventory and deposits them directly into your bank account. (transaction fee outside the Elemental Bank and in the Elemental Bank Zone. Check your EB Level regarding reducing the fee)
eb:payout:X or eb:payout:all Withdraw credits from your bank account. (transaction fee unless you are in the Elemental Bank)
eb:payin:X or eb:payin:all Deposit credits into your bank account. (transaction fee unless you are in the Elemental Bank)
eb:interest ONLY available with Elemental Bank level 5. Activates your daily interest for delivery globally. No need to visit EB zones anymore.
eb:convert:dna or eb:convert:dna:xx Convert your HWS DNA into HWS Ingots at a 100:1 conversion rate.
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