Feature Request: Core Count

So we previously had something similar to this as a sort of perk for high RP reward, but with rampant overcrowding, and the only warning being the messages once we REACH limit, or get very close, this might help as a wholesale utility.
Feature: CB:CoreCount
Shows either total number of cores on planet, or perhaps a %, rounded to the nearest 5% (to prevent use as a proximity detector on large planets). For example if used on Alliance HQ, and the current core count is 134, a message will appear saying “Alliance HQ is currently at 65% load. At 100% load, taxes will be applied! You have x cores on this playfield.”
Could potentially be expanded further as a means for new players to see quickly what playfields are less occupied, rather than guess and check methods, waiting on overload warnings.

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Agree that HWS Connect > Universe (combined with fa:scan) is not the best way at the moment.

@Jascha might help here for sure.

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