Freelancer RP gains adjustments


Im here again with a topic i had 2 seasons ago, which was made even worse since then.
It’s about playing as freelancer, somehow i get the feeling that freelancers are beeing punished.

If you compare everything the origins offer:

  1. Single player RP gains (without any interaction with other people) -> this is nearly equal, but still freelancer is last

For simply playing a freelancer can get up to 15RP (warp, pvp and pve structure, pentaxid)
A pirate can get 20
A federations member can get 16RP

  1. Multi player RP gains:
    Freelancer: 10 per guilty kill (once per day)
    Pirate: 10 per guilty, up to 100 for other kills (10 kills per day max, 5 for normal, 10 for fed)
    Federation: 10 per guilty, 10 per pirate, 10 for selling stuff

Here freelancer is by far the worst of them. 10 (everyone can get) vs 30-110

  1. Faction RP -> for solo play its equal, but in big factions freelancers simply dont get RP
    Freelancer gets 1RP per 10 people
    Pirate gets 5
    Federation gets 10

  2. FA:supply package:
    The freelancers supply package is actually the worst for nearly all levels (Too different to describe, but from gold, xeno point of view, it cannot compare to the others)

  3. Ship discounts:
    While Pirates have discounts for the most expensive ships (fighters), Federation gets a discount for miners (probably the type of ship bought by the most players).
    Freelancers get Explorer (Here I am sure its the least bought type of ship)
    While it makes sense due to the Role Play element, I just wanted to add this point as well.

This issue has actually forced me to not play as a freelancer on EU, and i already regret beeing a freelancer on NA.

But to also be constructive, I would like to add a few suggestions to be fair:

From the role playing perspective, pirates cover PVP, federation covers traders.
Freelancer should cover the people who like to explore, go for POIs, play for themselves and just enjoy empyrion.

They should be the faction for exactly this player group, and should offer rewards for it.

I find it “acceptable” if freelancers dont get reputation for pvp, for trading, or for beeing in a large faction. But they should get RP for atleast something. Right now they even get less RP for single player stuff…

Lets assume the following:
Someone who actively plays as federation, manages to sell something on the market every day - you just need to buy a yellow container from one of the npcs, and sell it for the same amount for example- you get 10 RP for maybe 10 minutes of work. (You can also sell 1 gold bar for 1 credit etc)

So i think it would be only fair to allow freelancers to gain thisamount aswell - with maybe some more time investment.

Possibilities would be:
RP for destroying a POI core (once per day, 3RP)
RP for completing missions (3 pda missions, 3RP)
RP for visiting many different playfields (4 RP for visiting atleast X playfields, maybe some specific)

For the PVP gains which both pirates and federation have, which are harder to get, i would suggest adding one-time RP gains for specific missions for freelancers.

For example, for finding the Phenoix system. Or raiding the sphere.
I think all os this “hard” or long missions should have a one time reward -> by beeing one-time you cannot abuse the system, and it offers an additional motivation to complete them.

Another option would be to remove the extra daily 3RP for completing missions, but increase the one time reward alot.

I really would like to see what the community thinks!

What I forgot to think through is also a way, to compensate for very low RP gains from a big faction
and for the garage ships (but this should be compensated by maybe adjusting the explorer type ships) -> If you have ideas, great. If i will have ideas, i will add them as a comment


i have been freelancer each season since i started and completely agree that it seems to be the stepchild of the origins when it comes to rp rewards. while it’s much easier to keep pink crystals in ur inventory than gold ingots or autominer cores, the rp gain just doesn’t compare :frowning:

Freelancer used to be top dog for quite a few seasons but after changes were made to buff alliance/federation it has never really been a good choice. So I agree something should change to make it more desirable.

Agreed. I think they need a role to fit in factions too. Increased NPC faction reputation gain from quests can be a very good addition, since big factions tend to lose it often due to miscommunication or red gold mining.