What happened: Game glitched and crashed during small fun battle. Enemy quickly cored and recored my v-wing to take it. Player(s) with issue: XcCaboose Server: North American Time (cb:time): 7:30AM Playfield: Armegeddon Structure Name(s): Cab-Wing Structure ID(s): Unknown How can we help you now: I would like assistance in retrieving the/a V-wing. All is fair in war and I dont mind losing it. But losing a full health vwing to a crash and having it taken was rather lame. It needs a proper death.
welcome to gg take it as a loss and deal with it , if rex gave everyone back a garage ship that was lost to a crash he would have no life outside this server
I have lost countless ships to crashes on this server, almost lost my garage ships quite a few times.
Crashes happens (if that’s even what happend) and it’s something the game devs need to work on.
But as Hammer said, if Rex and the rest of the admins gave back every single ship lost due to a crash that would be the only thing he would be doing.
Edit: Spelled thing as think, lol… not enough coffee yet.