HWS 8 limits PvE & PvP [POLL]

And taunt you I shall!


LOL Taco. Geeze, I was all serious too. XD You got me there.


No way to enforce that for one. The man hours that would be sunk into this side claiming that side is cheating with 3 layers of armor here and there… No need to waste RexXxus time.

On the other hand hell no. Because you don’t like putting more armor or desiging ships specifically for PvP you want to restrict other players who do like those things. No no no. I don’t come in here saying stuff like we need to make rules so that everyone has to be in a faction of 10 people before they can use HWS features… Same thing you just did. Don’t force people to play how you want them to play because you are on the losing end of something because of what YOU do.

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Why do you assume that I always lose? And that’s the only reason I’m saying something? Granted, I do lose a lot. Don’t really care in that respects. I just enjoy fighting others.

What I’m offering is a different perspective here and an opinion. No reason to grab the pitchfork and insinuating things. You’re right on the man hours it would take to comb through different ships, or the fact that it would be hard to enforce. But it has been done on other servers. Alternatively, setting block limits isn’t too hard, and it would force a major cut to get down to class 1. i.e.: 500-1k blocks= class 1.

Also, have you seen garage ships? The Azura is in there, and it is a full workshop ship with a couple of add-ons. XD Anyways, what do you propose then? Leave the status quo, and have pointless new features that no one will use? Rock, paper, scissors weaponry is moot when looking at the status quo. The only reason PvP is the way it is now, is because everyone jumped on the “lag-shot” bandwagon, and never got out of it.

Feel free to leave your own ideas down. I want to see RexXxus’ ideas be usable. Hell, I’ve been advocating on the Empyrion main forums for weaponry to be suited to different things. But right now, that isn’t happening.


Come here!

Have you not seen SV Wonderland and Dread’s Season 9 Wonderland? Plenty of my own ideas in there. I’ll speak out when I see something I don’t like though.

I agreed with his strict limits he first proposed until the server can handle more.

Have you seen this? Its what the SV weapons are about to turn into. With the block types we have now the new config should make PvP better with a more rock paper scissor approach and weapons having specific main duties.


Of course I saw that! :slight_smile: That’s what I was talking about when I mentioned the Rock-paper-scissors approach to weapons. At this point, it would be rather ineffectual considering all the armor behind most SVs. Are pulse going to have a greater fire rate? Are they going to be able to one shot hardened steel? I would be okay if that’s the only way you can deal damage to h/steel (All other weapons being ineffectual), That would be nice. Also increase the fire-rate to just below Gatling. That would make sense in that regard, and I would have no complaints there. But same rate of fire, with all weapons still being able to be used for anything (But has a greater effect against X) I doubt anyone would use anything else aside from homing rockets still.

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I’m in one of the large pvp factions and I agree with you. In fact I even suggested a couple weeks ago that I wouldn’t be opposed to a class 1 limit for CVs for pvp across the board. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be able to run, but that should be a decision you have to make early on, if you turn and fight, you should lose the ability to warp out at any time pretty quickly, if you are ambushed and not looking for a fight then turn tail and warp out right away.

I’ve actually been flying a class 1 CV (0.59) in pvp against class 7 enemy CVs, and even with only 1-2 layers of armor but with parts strategically placed, I haven’t been disabled yet. And I haven’t warped out of a fight less than 10 minutes long either, even fighting outnumbered. One of the biggest problems with the battles in this game is that they take too long, and then somebody warps out, ending in disappointment. In a class 1 CV a 10 minute battle is enough to cause significant but not dangerous levels of damage to my ship, in a class 7, it would be literally nothing. So I feel your pain being in a small faction you probably can’t acquire the resources to build a class 7 easily and certainly can’t take one down. Bringing me to the point of my original argument, PvP in large ships is entirely pointless. I understand the appeal of wanting to build and fly around your big bad looking battleship, but that’s for PvE players.

Just to make my post longer I’ll address the idea of supergates:
If it were up to me, and people still want to use big hulking indestructible ships in pvp, I would divide space into 3 sections: PvE with normal warping, basica resources, maybe some optional gates to save noobs pentaxid if Rex feels nice. Light PvP with limited ship class sizes, scattered valuable resources and supergates with 5km activation ranges. And Deep PvP Space, where the largest ships are available, along with the greatest density of valuable resources, gates are present in each sector and lead to only 1 destination each, gates have very short activation range and if possible make people have to stay in that range for 30 or 60 seconds to activate it before warping, making it difficult to warp out if under fire without taking serious damage.


There is a new teaser video up showing that pulse will have a much greater rate of fire. Should be interesting.


CV size 7 is too small, CV’s should be 10 :wink: just my opinion

reason I say this, because you spend more level of class decking out the interior than class level of the ship itself, ie: build lvl 5 chassis, then spend 5 more class levels filling up the interior

( I’m pve so of course I build cool, my stuff would not last 5 mins in a fight, lol )

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