HWS 9 Teaser II | OCD rework | New HWS Gameplay

I agree, but it’s less about the gold - The bank can facilitate most of that, it’s all the other items like AMs, cores, Epics etc.

The main issue with this system is just that if you increase the difficulty people are only going to be less willing to pvp and for a good portion of the server’s population we enjoy pvp over anything else. And in turn if there isn’t any pvp people will either stop playing or find another server with better pvp.

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HWS Ingots is a nice idea, you can save your RP at the wipe but you can only buy OCD5 with these ingots so lets make a calc:

Lets say ive got OCD 8

900m credits (ok thats reachable) 5000RP (would be hard but if you play everyday its reachable too in 3 month of a season)

Upgrade to OCD 9

But after that i repeat my question

Ingots are after OCD5 worthless to upgrade OCD so i cant save up Ingots/RP in two seasons to get these 10000 RP, becaus i only can convert RP to Ingots but can’t convert them back!!!

It would be better for the understanding of the changes when @RexXxuS posted some info about the new RP system so that you can calculate if its possible for yourself to get OCD 10

This are only half baked info and make more questions than answers

Hey guys,

you have quite high expectations but due all the problems I have with Alpha 9, I won’t put them so high to be honest. I still try to do my best to get at least 50% of what I have planned in. A lot of priority juggling at the moment.

While I don’t like the system of “gap of poor and rich too high” myself, I do like the system “working my way from poor to rich”.
It’s a difference if one guy inherited richly or the other worked hard to become rich.
And what I am missing from a lot of these posts here (hence I have to ignore sadly) is the overall bigger picture and that HWS in its core is not about grinding, not even with the proposed changes coming.
I like casual games myself and some will realize how many opportunities I give you on HWS to become rich.

Let’s take @Pretoreaner claim for example and just drop a proof for this current HWS 8.X season:


One player achieved exactly that: he bought with his hard work the Keep50m credit package with converted 10500 HWS RP.
And I can guarantee that if I’m asking him if he enjoyed it and how the feeling is to not pay 10,50€ but achieved it with smart trading and fighting ingame “for free”, I’m sure he won’t be disappointed or angry about it.

And while I will boost HWS RP (PvP + PvE) even more in HWS 9, it’s just about the players choices.
Look, if you don’t have so much time to play yourself so many RP, then why requesting high goals?

In german there is a wording “Schuster, bleib bei deinen Leisten” (cobbler, keep [or stick] to your last [?]).
If you are a casual gamer, then you most likely don’t need OCD / EB lvl 10 with all their power. It should be a relative “effort/gain” balance.

That said, fingers crossed for HWS 9 and even if I fail again with the deadline, I try and hope, that Eleon gives me the stability for HWS 9.X to make it “final” good (if we remember HWS 8 and 8.X :wink: )

Have a nice 2nd advent :candle: :candle:


Rexx, this COMPLETELY misses the point.

So if we’re more casual we should’t need or want to have some way to keep stuff like our epics after multiple seasons of grinding to do so, and the feeling of the constant rescaling keeping things just out of reach is ok?

Rexxus, I have 1600 hours into this game, mostly on HWS but play consistently over time rather than grinding in a season. People like me should be the ones to get the short end? Seriously dude, that comes across as a real slap, man.

I get it, it’s your server and you’re free to build things as you want. But if that’s the case, document the GD API that was build mostly for you so that others can at least have the option of putting together their ideal server and contributing to the community then.

I’ve been one to roll with all the changes over the years and just see what happens, but this one is very possibly the straw that breaks the camel’s back for a lot of people.

Drog, sorry but there are many issues in your logic.

  1. You assume that storing Epic weapons throughout a full wipe is a natural Right of players. Play other vanilla servers and come back again.
  2. Before ranting and threat again to leave the server, maybe step back and ask yourself, why this change comes into play? Why is it important to motivate players to not only make use of the Marketplace to get them but also helps other Traders (PvE and PvP) to make good prices for them?
  3. If you read my words again it is absolutely right, that a casual player get along the start Tutorial of HWS around 100k credits after each season, which can be spent on 2 Epic Weapons in the ECC Marketplace.
    “Out of reach” is again false, because high tier products, require high amount of effort. Nevertheless, doing free (PvE) Missions, give you weekly 100+ Auto Miner Cores.
  4. A slap would be, if I would wipe the Epics or Auto Miner Cores from existent storage. Or any other damaging way. But what you call slap is just a gameplay you like or leave. You rage about HWS features, which are not per default in Empyrion. Neither Epic Weapons nor Auto Miner Cores will decide the gameplay of Casual players in combination of our EWS Config, where you do bonus damage with other weapons as well.
  5. I don’t know what you mean with GD API, but this is a very rude and insulting comment you do there overall, with absolutely zero clue what Jascha and I have done for the Empyrion Community by now. How much we contributed to Empyrion the last 2+ years…
    You are free to put 20000 hours into your server as we did and achieve what we did. So go ahead, good luck. Take care.


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Rex, In all honesty, that response was really off in left field. You may want to actually make sure you’re responding to what you think you are and that you understand the intent behind it.

Re-read what I wrote and you’ll see that I very clearly stated that I did not want to come across as ranting and raving to threaten to leave, and several times iterated that at the end of the day you’re free to do what you choose with your server, and that I appreciate the work you and crew put in.

Likewise, if you spend more than a few seconds, you’ll realize what I said was that it’s a change that may well drive many people off (not necessarily myself, but that’s an unrelated possibility).

If the majority of your playerbase is complaining about something, it’s safe to say that there’s an issue there. As a group we may well be wrong about what the solution is, but you should definitely accept that there is an issue with the proposal.

Edit, I have been made aware that the current state of the API is separate from HWS and that they had to reverse-engineer it as well. Kudos on that job, but still unfortunate that there’s no proper documentation for the rest of us

Now, as a suggestion that you can choose to take under consideration or not - how about leaving ocd 6 as-is and offer scaling pvp cooldowns for levels 7 and up? That would probably keep us all happy and still allow you to limit things significantly. Heck, even limit the amount of any rares we can have at 6.

The major issue is that many of us feel duped - we worked towards a thing being told that if we accomplished gaining 70m we could have a thing - only to be told when we finally got there that the goalpost is being moved to a level that most of us can’t foresee ever being able to accomplish. Intended or not, that comes across as punishment and very bad faith.

Seriously dude, none of this is a personal thing, don’t make it so.

This isn’t an MMO, there’s too many issues with the base game to try and force it to be. (I know that’s a development issue and not yours, but don’t exacerbate it)

That is just wrong! I want to highlight that strongly to spare Jaschas time to step in more deeply.
The API is in a very poor state, every Server Owner / Modder knows this. But we were the one who pushed it with very hard efforts at least to the state where it is now - for everyone to use!
To write an endless unpaid documentation is something we (Jascha, I, Exa and others) started but meanwhile we have to maintain the current (buggy) API as well. Everyone is free to help here, not blame us that it is our propriety.
That we just try to make most out of it here on HWS is because we just spent insane many hours in it. (main thing I do at least, for living you know)
There are other modders and servers who also achieved awesome stuff already with it!
If you want to correct your words or not, that above is just wrong.

Good! As told many times: first comes the suggestion, then the rant / blame.
All I can say now is, that I will consider it.

That’s entirely fair, and while I don’t know about the state of the product, I know that the documentation is in very poor health right now, and haven’t dug into it as a result. That’s a major source of frustration for me, as I am a professional dev/programmer and have had some ideas I’d like to try out, but what’s there for documentation is fairly useless without a lot of trial and error to figure out what the events and trigger conditions are.

Unfortunately the optics of it, have been that it was something implemented mostly at the behest of HWS. That makes it appear to anyone not immediately in the know that you’re trying to maintain propriety. That’s something that I’m not the only one in the community to have been under the impression of. Apologies for having been under that incorrect assumption, but can you please see how that may be the case? Would you be able to simply mention that in one of your tet-a-tets with Eleon, because I know I can’t be the only one who would like to be able to contribute more but feels incredibly frustrated.

I am well aware of it since I observe every more serious Empyrion Server out there.
Beside some miscommunication-behind-the-back stuff, we told Eleon multiple times, that a proper announcement about EAH, the relation of HWS to Eleon and the API is something some would like to see.
That is all we have done and could do.

Keep in mind everyone have the option to Skype with them and they can speak English a lot better than other can speak german - if the trust in Jascha and me, seems to obviously not exist at least.

Anyways, that is the wrong Topic to discuss that.

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Look, Rex, I’m not trying to disparage your credibility or work, really. It’s just frustrating for those who feel like they’re being told “My way or the highway” while simultaneously feeling denied the tools required to try and contribute an alternative. That’s all. I know that’s off topic, but I want to be sure that it’s understood that I in no way want a personal attack on you when discussing heated matters.

I know that’s off topic a little and will keep on topic going forward.

Also, previous content edited as I want to be sure information is accurate for anyone else browsing the thread.

Ranting about not storing epic weapons is silly. What it takes? 2/3 pois to have again a good amount of them?
“Hey i played 2 years ago the game and is my right to store epic weapons because is too difficult to clear a poi and i have already done it 2 years ago, you cannot ask me to do it again!”
Too much grind :rofl:

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Alternative suggestion:
OCD 6 - store rare items, but only from EGS
OCD 7 - Global rare storage/retrieval
OCD 8 - PVP usage with long cooldown
OCD 9 - PVP usage with shortened cooldown
OCD 10 - As above.

That same argument could be taken to mean that nobody should need or want OCD at all. Is that your suggestion, Paxx?

If having the items doesn’t change balance, and we can have them quickly anyways as people are implying, then being able to keep them shouldn’t affect balance in the least and this shouldn’t be a thing.

If they do affect balance/wealth levels, then it becomes obvious why people are upset.

As i already stated many times i played for a year in a server without it. And was very fun every wipe to start with nothing because all people start from zero equal.
OCD is a luxury item.


And quite honestly, a complete universal wipe would likely go over better than increasing the disparity in wealth levels. I might be wrong on that though

Hey psstt shhhh are you crazy bro? do not talk too loud or you could wake up the veterans who played two years ago, they dont actively play anymore but they are here lurking on the forum because they do not want to lose what they automin… cough mined loooooong time ago…

Please listen to me carefully do not say the word wipe or you will be pitchforked, is a taboo word here.


On so many occasions i disliked your oppinion. But here ill have to give you credit. Starting complete new is a nice and good feeling. Why dont we make ocd wit … can only store gold till level 6. Btw this was a joke about the gold

you could always go back to your favorite server, instead of trying to change this one …

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