HWS Connect update

Hey guys,

I was able to work on HWS Connect today. Some new features and a lot of improvements were made. Check out the images or directly here: HWS Connect

Added: Elemental Trading Station
Added: Structure Commander
Added: Elemental Bank
Added: More Player Stats

Fixed: Donator packages count

That is the stable version before HWS Connect 2.0 comes out. There you can not only read your stats - you also can change stuff -> doing online banking, stock market, …




Really like the new features. Tell more about this stock market and when it’s out please?
Good work guys

Stock market is like in real world a speculation game of resources. Go they up or down? If you guessed right you get profit. The short form.

It will be a given resource list you can speculate if the price goes up or down. After 24 hours for example if you guessed right you get CR as a profit. Something like this.

Release date is unknown - most likely with HWS Connect 2.0