HWS Police - Report a crime

Server : (EU)

Type of Offence Committed: ( tries to fall through the textures to base )

Time/Date of offence: (22 august - 23 august)

Player/Faction accused : (Sephron, Goblin, DaveO )

Player Faction reporting: (RED)

What happened? (The player tries to infiltrate our base illegally . They tries to fall through the textures for several hours. During the day the number of deaths increased from about 100 to more than 600. For the attack, a large number of ships (exceeding the limits) were used, as well as a large vessel exceeding the limits by the number of blocks)

Why did it happen? (They tries to fall through the textures )

Outcome: Our rules about ammo draining are clear and not tolerated.

All three players lost on this first occurence 50% of the RP and Credits + guilty. Next time more.