I dont Understand HWS vote

Sorry but i dont understand the HWS voting feature. There is only one button to click? There are no YES and NO vote?

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YES Counter = People who clicked Vote and the number u thus see
NO Counter = People who viewed this page - Vote Counter

i think :smiley:

now go vote yes on my post which i’m sure is what triggered this :stuck_out_tongue:


Its made so no one gets offended, and you never get the real results. If you vote negatively its not that you dont like their idea, its becouse you dont like the particular human who made the vote and no body likes to be not liked and thus downvote is basicly illegal. Everyone should just love everyone and every idea is good even if its bad. Welcome to 2019 where people are just about to lose it.


And you don’t really need a no button.

You can compare the yes’s with the amount of views.

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Sorry but views arent a great counter in my opinion. Sometimes i see vote discussion and i think about it before clicking but after i forgot to vote yes and discussion is disappeared because other topics are open or modified by Rexxxus. So its not really a no, i just viewed the discussion. Or sometimes i see a vote discussion and the topic doesnt interest/affects me so mine is not a no. I just viewed it.


Полная утопия, голосования сайтом))), многие и не знают о таком))) ну окей, давайте строить статистику голосования из десятка зажиревших ветеранов этого сайта, (10 их десять…) Которым уже все равно, на POI, ресурсы, ивенты… они вещаю свое мнение в массы, а не пошли-бы вы! переведете сами, с уважением к остальному сообществу!

В корне не правильно, не дух важен, а результат, сколько за и сколько против! Но учитывая то, что сайт “оккупирован” десять постоянными/дедушками - правильного результата вам не видать.

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Chaser вам нужно говорить по-английски, вы не можете говорить на других языках, мы общаемся только на английском языке. Если вы говорите со мной в споре, я буду рад перевести, если вы перейдете по этой ссылке, вы можете перевести русский на английский в Google


Is it discretization? or your personal desire?
Я в праве говорить на своем языке где угодно, ваше право читать или нет!

It is required by HWS rules, one moment and I will post the link here.

Не спешите!


3. Behavior & Chat

HWS Owner


Jun 25

1. Language & Chat

1.1 Please use only English in global chat . You can use whatever language you want in faction or private chat.

Aleon, посчитал нормальным общаться на моем языке, хотя и пыхтели))Тут что не так? Я устал переводить вашем убогим гуглом перевод которого вы не понимаете! Извольте!


The rule is not mine, it’s here because there are only 5-7 Russians on the server, but hundreds of people who speak English, think about it this way

. You can translate your words once, or every single person reading every thread (dozens at least for each thread) can all translate it themselves. It is up to you to translate for yourself, it is not my responsability to translate, and if I kept seeing you post in Russian I would not take the extra time to start googling and find a translation service to solve it, most people are the same way.

We don’t want to spend tons of time translating your viewpoint when you where supposed to in the first place. Bring it up with RexXus if you disagree.

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На первой строчке,перестал читать (5-7 Русских и остальные на сервере) - Ты что сейчас на сервере? Русские тебе сами пояснят сколько их) да и не по теме ты влез, “не русский”

RexXus is replying now, who knows I may be wrong, if I am it is at least good advice to speak in English because it ensure the entire forum can read your post, most people probably won’t translate Russian. I think the rules pretty clearly say you can only speak in English though.

I see I have to play more moderator today again.

@Paxxo1985 I’ve send you the answer to your initial post.

@Chaser @WillEatsPie has a good point.
It is disrespectful to talk with 99% of the community in an unknown language.
It’s like I talk to you in german and say “fuck it, translate my shit yourself, because I don’t care to translate it, so you can even talk with me eye to eye”.
That is very rude even.

We have our “English only” for a reason. Respect to each other.
You can talk with your friends in russian. Or continue your trip in PMs.
That topic is done.