Hi All
I just want to let everyone know that me and Gareth are from the UK. We can not help the NA server as when you guys are playing we are sleeping and that normally goes for rex and Jash too. That is why you have Juniper as the police officer for the NA as he is in the same time zone as you pleased message him. If you cant get hold of anyone you have 2 options
1 put a ticket on the forum ( this is what we prefer you do)
2 put it into the hws police discord channel.
I just don’t want you guys thinking we are ignoring you we are not When we wake up we will try to help
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Thanks Andrea
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The only reason why I did this is that I’m having pm’s from the NA when I log in in the morning and I don’t mind getting them but when they pm me it is was like 3 -6 am in the EU and so I was late answering then and majority of the time they have been sorted when I do answer them back.
you have a NA deputy juniper.
the police are supposed to observe and report but how are they supposed to do that if they don’t have indestructible vehicles?
They do have indestructible vehicles Juniper is no longer a deputy he is the police now for the NA.,
He has admin ships inoder to hel him to help you guys out on the na