I need help please how many supporter packages I have and which server they are enable on?

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> Hi I have a supporter package on EU in 2019, I thought i had bought 2 and one was enabled on the NA server too aswell as my package on EU. I wanted one for the NA server too as I wanted at least level 3 bank to keep the credits i had on NA last year which was about 10m. I just did cross server warp and saw that my credits i did have were gone and that my supporter package was not operational on NA.

Player(s) with issue:
=> Brick Top


Time (cb:time):


Structure Name(s):

Structure ID(s):

How can we help you now:
=> Can you confirm I have 2 supporter packages one for EU and one for NA. I made sure when purchasing the other supporter package i was on the NA server. Possible refund of the credits lost if there was an issue. Thank you.

You can check yourself what ones you have at https://empyrion-homeworld.net/hws-connect.html#page-support-us then click “show support details” near the top. You’ll have to change the hwsconnect between na and eu to see both.

Hi I have checked and that is my problem! I cant see the ‘second supporter package’ on NA which i paid for in August 2019. I can provide statements of both paypal payments, the first was for my EU supporter package made in July 2019 and the second one in August 2019 which should have been enabled on NA which didn’t renew for some reason now i have lost my bank credits.

@RexXxuS :point_up_2:

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