I need help please - information on avoiding cb:restore?

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened?
=> i’ve lost 10-15 ships over two occurrences in the past few days to a bug that deletes ships. i have used cb:restore to bring them back.

From my research it appears that the bug happens randomly. My request is: is there any information on how to avoid hitting this bug in the future?

Player(s) with issue? (steam name)
Server? (+ EU or + NA or RE EU or RE NA)
When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time)
11:00 ish wed nov 24th 2024
On which Playfield?
Structure Name(s)?
Structure ID(s) (Open ingame console and type di)?
How can we help you now?
From my research it appears that the bug happens randomly. My request is: is there any information on how to avoid hitting this bug in the future?

Hey, @harg.

The only answer we can give is that it’s related to docking. If you dock a ship to another ship, then at some unknown point in the future, that ship will be deleted.

We don’t know much more than that unfortunately.

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thank you very much for the information, it helps a lot. is there anywhere that the public can track the issue?

No worries.

If you by “track” mean for a potential fix, this bug is as old as Empyrion. No one has been able to make a 100% reproduction case, that gets the ship deleted every time by following some exact steps, so it’s unlikely to be fixed.

That’s also why we have the command for it.

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thank you again for the info!

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