I need help please - logged in and stuck underneath an offline players landing pad

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> Logged off while parked on a players landing pad (I don’t know them)
Logged back in and now I am trapped underneath it with my SV.
It is fully enclosed I can walk around and get in and out of my sv but that’s it. I just got 250000 gold so I dont want to lose it or my sv if possible ; )

Player(s) with issue:
=> blakdice

=> NA

Time (cb:time):
=> tuesday dec 3rd 23:36

=> sanctuary

Structure Name(s):
=> SV name is: Pisces Scout 3ADV (SV)
The structure I am trapped under is called: [RSS] Blacktree
Structure ID(s):
=> ID=30150464 ‘Pisces Scout 3ADV (SV)’
ID:18666764 ‘blacktree’ [[RRS]]

How can we help you now:
=> Could you move my character and SV out of the landing pad to anywhere else?


have you tried cb:getshiphere while standing inside? That can actually work :wink:

If it does not help, can you PM me on Discord?

Says I’m too close to an enemy structure. I’ll hit u up on discord if I can.

ok… loggin in now, but need to csw! So just stay online for a few min…

Is this resolved?

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Yes admin teleported me out. Thanks guys!


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