I need help please, lost all my strucutre

I left my faction to join my friend faction and i forgot to put all my structure in privat so im out of the faction and the faction got disban, dosen’t exist. But all my structure on the old faction but it dosen’t exist anymore. i would like to get acces to all my structure.

thx for responding

And since im on freelancer i can’t destroy the core, i coul just destroy core and changed it but i can’t

we really need more info to help mate… we got no idea which structures u mean or server…

plz use the proper template so that we can help.


What happened?

Player(s) with issue? (steam name)

Server? (EU or NA or RE)

When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time)

On which Playfield?

Structure Name(s)?

Structure ID(s) (Open ingame console and type di)?

How can we help you now?

I left my faction to go in my friend faction. I was the only one in the faction so the faction got delleted. I forgot to put my base, my CV and my SV in private before leaving. They stayed on my old faction controle but that faction got delleted. I can’t controle my SV, BA and SV.

player name: grosta

Server: NA

Append like 1 hour ago

on freelancer

planet : Aduspite

system: Tarterba

Structure names: grosta multirole sv Base(BA) Vaisseau mère (CV)

Can’t get the ID since i don’t owned the structure

u can help me in recovering my CV, my SV and my BA. Maybe recreat the faction that was deleted and make me owner so i can put them in private or directly put them in private to me.


Strucute names : grosta multirole sv

Base(BA) Vaisseau mère (CV)

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