I need help please- Server connection issue with Binomi

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> warped in my [CV] Brutus from Triton to Binomi and received some server error message and was kicked back to main menu of the game. Upon re-connection my player was back in Triton asteroid belt just floating in space my ships nowhere in sight. I then used the warp fix command that tried to put me back to Binomi and got the error message again.

Player(s) with issue:
=> Reapercussions and Chief

=> NA

Time (cb:time):
=> 7:30pm est

=> Triton and Binomi

Structure Name(s):
=> [CV] Brutus

Structure ID(s):

How can we help you now:
=> possibly fix the connection issue with binomi players are experiencing

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