I'd like the configuration of the map changed w/ more playfields added

Welcome and thanks and I am always open for feedback!

Playing “god” in creating an universe is very cool but also very difficult. I mean if you really create something special it for now took 2-3 weeks to build one HWS universe.
It’s not like here and there some stuff.

You need to think about early game, mid game and late game. It never should favorite only one part.

5.0 however was a bit too focussed on the mid / late game I have to admit. The time pressure was too high so this mistake came in.

With 5.1 we will correct this again and see how it goes.

Regarding randomized / non symmetrical universes… hmm yes and no :wink:
It is my habit to keep a balance / symmetry in my design because it would be a huge impact over the time if one Origin has a better location than another one. This can’t be fixed then easy like we can with Reputation gaining.
It is cool about other planets and I will think about it.

More planets is understandable but let me say two things:

  1. this was the big hooker for No Mans Sky, hm?! Fail.

the more planets you have the less planets you will visit

Think about it for awhile. I can explain if needed.

  1. performance. HWS is and will be always performance orientated because we have a monster machine rented and we want to have a great experience for everyone.
    Quick explanation regarding this:

you can have 100 players in one planet and everything is cool (maybe not cool for your FPS, but for server performance). But if you have 30 players on 30 different playfields you will have a bad time with server performance

This is what we learned the hard way already and this is how Empyrion works currently. So even 5 and playfields like Odin, Ori, Medusa and Zeus are almost too much. They were needed to fit the bow shape but story wise we kept them in because of this intention “give smaller factions the possibility to hide, even if it is pvp”. Because the big party is in Homeworld.

So I already have ideas for 6.0 (even though I didn’t want to make again a new universe - sooo much work x)) but again with all the feedback from you guys in mind we will create something cool again we think :wink:


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Thanks for writing me back. Again, great server. Hope you take any criticism as merely constructive.

It is my habit to keep a balance / symmetry in my design because it would be a huge impact over the time if one Origin has a better location than another one.

I understand what you are saying I just dont think it works out in game the way you might expect. There are currently almost no Freelancers that play so right away the Traders and Guardians have more space than the Pirates or the Hunters to expand.

You probably positioned different valuables among the origins to try and balance things. For example the Hunters are far away from HW, but they are close to Lucifer, the Donator planets, ect…So the symmetry isn’t perfect, but the goal was to create an even playing field. You could do this with a more random looking map as well.

you can have 100 players in one planet and everything is cool (maybe not cool for your FPS, but for server performance). But if you have 30 players on 30 different playfields you will have a bad time with server performance

I didnt know that. Too bad, but still having 100 players in one playfield is kind of cool. I hope the devs improve perfomrmance for many playfields and many players at the same time.

this was the big hooker for No Mans Sky, hm?! Fail.
the more planets you have the less planets you will visit

I don’t think EGS will ever be able to compare to No Mans Sky in terms of size, not even close. Still your point isn’t lost on me. I would just say that currently, if I know someone is living on PVP world that is open to everyone, my faction will be able to find them within a few days guaranteed. There is nowhere to hide (planet wise) on the current map. I just think the Universe could benefit from being larger, not necessarily gigantic. I’m not just thinking about exploration, but also PVP as well.

I hope you like some of what I said. Either way, your server is a lot of fun.

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@RexXxuS please don’t remind me that wasted money on the special edition of NMS. Worst games company EVER.

I think they are too many planets myself. PVP is planned at the moment. Which means we don’t lose anything we were not willing to lose in the first place. Random PVP engagements would be more fun.