Illysune's Tips For Not Dying and Having Fun

Thanks :slight_smile:

I would like to see CV’s rebalanced in the future, it’s a shame that they aren’t good for anything but travelling at the moment. They are at least somewhat durable now, and you have a chance to escape, but they can’t do any damage yet.

CV’s really need a buff.

I mean when we fought, I had literally 80 turrets on my CV, and around another 40 plasma ones on (that can only be used in space), and you absolutely beat my ass in, while in a tiny ship.

Turrets are awful right now, on bases or CV’s.

Thanks a lot! That is a great help. I stuck it to the top of the forum so that it will be always visible!

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Thanks Jascha :slight_smile:

Thanks Illysune awesome guide and tips. Something I learnt about CV that there no good in combat also found out the hard way

Job more than well done. I wish i have the power to write something for real starters, this weekend is hard with helping all of them learning basics.

Just a small typo SVs can have up to 21 turrets, instead of weapons, i already see someone asking how to put turrets on SV when Illy said that.

Thanks Elfias, fixed!

Great post! I learned many of these lessons the hard way!

One thing though, you mention meteors giving 3.5k ingots, but the most I have ever seen since the last nerf was about 1.5k.

Ah, you may be right on that, I haven’t checked recently. It used to be just over 1.5k ore which would give you about 3.5k ingots. Still much better than mining deposits!

Good tips and all lessons learned the hard way.

Still determined to find a way to make planet bases defensible.

[quote=“Restorationist”]Good tips and all lessons learned the hard way.

Still determined to find a way to make planet bases defensible.[/quote]

Honestly m8, PVP is shit. You’re better off living in PVE to keep your stuff safe.

Awesome guide - though I thought they made turret tracking a lot better on CV’s? I built a massive CV (it’s a revenge thing) but now worried it was pointless!

Honestly I’ve not fought one in space for a while. It feels like they’ve improved the tracking of turrets on the ground, but even flak can be dodged easily and that’s at 40m/s. Miniguns and cannons will hit reliably, but do almost no damage.

Edit: I have noticed backwards-facing plasma turrets on a CV to be quite useful. If you’re running away and an SV is chasing at max range you will both be travelling in a straight line. A few plasma cannons to dodge could make a difference. Though to be honest if you don’t have penta in your tank you’re dead anyway. Another tip: always fill your warp tank when you arrive somewhere and lock onto an escape planet. You will be ready warp out at the first sign of trouble.

Good to see this post :slight_smile: will keep this in mind as I travel about.

CVs right now are useless, I agree. SVs need a hitpoint nerf, no reason they should end up having the same hitpoint value as a CV plus smaller hitbox plus more responsiveness compared to CV. CV basically needs to be built like an SV to even be competitive, but then can get torn to pieces because it’s the size of Texas.

Having built some SVs for workshop that utilize miniguns yeah, they’re useless. I had a 2 hour long dogfight with a friend in the same SV, we ended up burning 3000+ rounds of ammo each, and didn’t even managed to take down one block. SV hitboxes are so freaking small! you have to basically stand still to accurately hit someone, which ends up making you capable of getting hit yourself. It’s dumb lol

Great tips. thank you.

How do you find your base once you’ve hidden it 30 or more kms in space? Is there a way to lock on to it? Or can you somehow use the coordinates from HWS? Or is it just a matter of lining up with another planetary body, much like navigating by the stars in the 15th Century?

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If your own base is set to private you will have a hard day to finding it. Private means for the game = enemy in vision terms. Always always make sure to set your stuff to Faction. Then you can see it on the radar map and space map.

Thanks Rex, that’s very helpful.

Thanks for this post

I have not tried CV battles in this version yet Kinda weird seeing all the negativity on the CVs I can tell you this though a CV that is well designed can (or used to ) hold its own for quite a while. and large CV battles are insanely fun.