Lost 55rp

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: it cost e 55rp on market but i was in the zone and had been or at least 5 min
Player(s) with issue: jon
Server: eu
Time (cb:time): 22.08
Playfield: ecc market place
Structure Name(s): Write here
Structure ID(s): Write here
How can we help you now: is the a chance to get the 55 rp back please

Hello @jon.1

you was not in a trading zone.


So you accepted even with the Yes popup button to that 55RP cost.

As an one time exception I restored it.

i see my mistake now. you have to be in the rite place in the room not just in the room.

as for the the rest i am sorry but i am dyslexic so writing is good as blank to me.

couldn’t warnings be more stand out like a different colure.

and thanks for the rp back you didn’t need to it was my mistake and it is good to learn from mistakes.

if you wish to take them back i would understand.

and i would like to say thank you for hws. if it wasn’t for you i wouldn’t have been playing this game for 2 years+ and enjoying it.

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Hmm different color on the building itself or where exactly?

The conformation also comes in a popup, maybe there?

It might get improved in the next season…

2ond floor mid room :blush: gives you insta contact

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