What happened: A friend lost his ship while warping to ECC, then he asked for a ride, i got one of the faction’s ships to help him out, and got stuck aswell Player(s) with issue: Engineer Server: HWS NA Time (cb:time): Saturday, 28 April 2018 15:35 Playfield: ECC Space Structure Name(s): Thunderbird - Mk II Structure ID(s): 12999890 How can we help you now: Please bring my faction’s ship back to me.
when i warped to ECC space, my ship warped alone, and i didnt warped with her… the exactly same issue happend with my friend… warping from another sector…
Firstly, he warped from Honore East to ECC Space, his ship warped alone and he stood at Honore East… then he asked me for help, then i warped from Freelancer Space to ECC, and got the same error, the ship warped alone while i stood at Freelancer home.