Lost Quest Rewards on Server Restart

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened?
=> I just started playing yesterday and was unaware of the correlation between carry weight and armor, and how heavy the quest rewards for getting to the ECC were, so I took my armor off to attempt to repair it upon my first time getting to ECC, and i was unable to put it in my inventory so it dropped, I thought I was unable to pick it back up due to having dropped it in the ECC so I left it. Then right before the server was restarting I ended up trying to move something in my inventory and it forced me to drop basically all the quest rewards I had received. I bought some armor on the marketplace when I realized what happened but wasn’t able to get it on and back to where I had to drop my stuff in time for the restart, I figure I’ll just have to call it a loss and won’t be able to get those quest rewards back but I thought I’d ask.

Player(s) with issue? (steam name)
=> Paimon

Server? (EU or NA)
=> NA

When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time)
=> 3 AM East Coast Time, 9 AM server time

On which Playfield?
=> ECC

Structure Name(s)?

Structure ID(s) (Open ingame console and type di)?

How can we help you now?
=> The items lost were the alien containers received for reaching the ECC, if it is possible to retrieve these that would be great.

Maybe it’d be smart to disable the marketplace 5 min before the server restarts?
That could probably prevent issues like this.

Welcome to HWS @Paimon
Thanks @Dr.Dark, yes maybe. I’ll note it down.

Misunderstanding here. You did not lost the Alien Container.
It got converted. Read here:

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I did not have my origin weapon on me at the time, and I had to drop the containers on the ground because of the issue with the weight talked about in the post.

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