Lost SV on NOVA

Was entering the atmosphere from space and got into in the red zone on NOVA.
I was then warped out and asked to log back in. Upon logging back in I was on one part
of the planet and my ship was still in the red zone.
If you could plz get my ship back it would be much appreciated.

Thank You

[quote=“HAMBURGERTIME”]Was entering the atmosphere from space and got into in the red zone on NOVA.
I was then warped out and asked to log back in. Upon logging back in I was on one part
of the planet and my ship was still in the red zone.
If you could plz get my ship back it would be much appreciated.

Thank You[/quote]
Sure. Will do that in a minute.
One Question: Did you enter the planet close to the red Barrier?
We have this quite often. so we are wondering if some bug causes people to end up in pole, or if it was due to flying close to the barrier. Maybe devs have tochange that a bit.

Got it out of pole… quite far in. Its now on Nova Planet again.

Yeah when I entered the planet I was close to the red barrier. I then attmepted to fly away from it only to get a kick from the server telling me that it was warping me out because I had flown into it. Even though I was trying to avoid just that.

Another small thing. I’m all the way on Z. Lol
Do you know a faster rout back to Nova without planet hopping? Lol

For getting my ship of the red barrier zone! :smiley:

Do you know a faster rout back to Nova without planet hopping? Lol[/quote]

I will add a distance calculator in HWS Connect soon but a very good way to see it is here:

Thanks i will adjust that… Strange that when in Orbit he thinks you are already on Planet… but that seems to be the reason.