Make aliencore great again for RE

Now, your tone is pretty disgusting. That horse you are sat on is incredibly high - pure arrogance.

I’m fully aware of what “Universe” I’m in, thank you very much…

Revenue is the total amount of income generated by the sale of goods or services related to the company’s primary operations.

Revenue generation applies to everything, revenue goes towards the running of the server. The last time I checked the goal on Patreon was around 2k. Donations are a Revenue Stream. To make it clear, Donations are a source of Revenue.

REF Contacting Eleon, plenty of people have suggested it previously (yet you say I don’t read).

Again, you fall short of the mark here, It’s not about pay 2 win, it’s about paying to support, something has got to be worth buying to be bought.

Hopefully you have read this post and now understand the English Language and the Fundamentals on what Revenue is.

Bob; If you’d like to learn more about Non Profit Revenue Streams click here;


u both assume much. ur mainly going by tidbits of the last season’s global chat and forming an opinion of what u think is reality. if u would like to have an in depth conversation on my experiences over the last year with re i would be glad to have one. i have many critiques of the progressions of what i have seen through 4 seasons of stumbling through this broken universe.

OK Neo, nice bullet time dodge.

The comments relate purely to this season alone. But thanks anyway - let’s just leave it at that and see what Rexxxus will do.

Whilst it’s worth noting he doesn’t “want” to change from default RE settings, he can.