Missed RP do to an attack

What happened: i was in black hole… killed a dude… he was Alliance as i was… used murp to get home!
Player(s) with issue: dQgnflua
Server: EUe
Time (cb:time): 03.20
Playfield: are you for real
Structure Name(s): Write here
Structure ID(s): Write here
How can we help you now: I got attacked, and i killed the dude… he was attacked from my ship… want my RP back… it all happend on black hole… ivwe sendt request to all allias…

I will not accept to be punnished when i defend my selfe

That is the downside of being an Alliance player. I recommend going Freelancer if you want more freedom in your choices.

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We can’t check if it was an attack or defense play.
It is part of the roleplay for now.

We try to improve it in the future as good as we can.

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