Missing asteroid resources in supporter space

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> Hey guys, im not sure if you knew or not but I dont see the resources i requested in the supporter space i bought. However i did see copper, which wasnt one of the resources.

The resources were iron, Sathium, Magnesium, Erestrum, Zascosium,
Pentaxid, Neodymium

Player(s) with issue:
=> Igo Solo

=> NA

Time (cb:time):
=> 8:44pm my time, or 2:44am server time

=> The Dead Zone

Structure Name(s):

Structure ID(s):

How can we help you now:
=> Could you let me know if I missed something or if its something that just needs to be fixed

Thanks again

Hey @IgoSolo

after checking, it seems I somehow overwrote my work :frowning:

I have set it up like that and accidentally removed in the stress of the release.
I reworked it again and would apply it at the 11PM server restart.
For that it’s needed to wipe the Orbit.
Please move your ships down to planet. Otherwise I can restore them too - nothing lost.
Sorry for the inconveniences.

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great thanks, ill make sure there are no ships

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