Missing base inventory between patches

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> some of my items disappeared

Player(s) with issue:
=> Orbital78

=> NA

Time (cb:time):
=> sometime between 11/18/19 8PM-11/19/19 1AM

=> Fed HQ Orbit

Structure Name(s):
=> Outpost Moebius

Structure ID(s):
=> 16870958

How can we help you now:
=> I waited until the hotfix to login, everything seemed fine for the most part but I did notice Hardened Steel Plates weren’t crafting correctly. Rather than making them it seemed to be removing them (I think I had around 5k-10k to start). I logged deleted one SV (explorer) and noticed it wasn’t updating as deleted on the website, so I thought it best to log out to wait on the bugginess to be addressed before doing much more gameplay. After this latest patch I logged back in to find most of my sub-component stacks (~400-1k stacks) missing. Mechanical components, Computers, motors, capacitor devices, power coils. Oddly some of the stacks are still there, so maybe only items used between patches? My fuel pack and large fuel pack stacks seem to have been deleted too.


wow thats a wired issue.
If I got time later I will try to check with backups.

Can you add some more information:

  • Did you notice that only a few container are empty. Or random in every container stuff was missing
  • Were stacks smaller, or if always completely gone (just in case you remember for sure)
  • Where these items in container or only in constructors?

EDIT: I checked your structure, but you don’t even have the containers for that. Was it in the constructor? Where did you store 400 stacks of 1k? Or did you mean a few stacks with 400-1000 each?
What do you mean with “sub components”? Which items?

I guess its the constructor and then I fear we that can’t do much here :frowning:
If you can reproduce that constructor problem it would be an important bug report for the Empyrion forum though.

it does seem to be only effecting my one main storage/crafting container, the weapons/ammo one and the fridges seem uneffected.

image (the top one)

this is what it currently looks like, I had things sorted. All of my fuel has disappeared now except the reserves I kept on my character.

this was taken when i first noticed things starting to go missing.

this was a day later I think, almost all of my crafting blocks dissapeared (most were not pictured) as well as the last of my fuel was gone. A few items I did move to my inventory. Not sure if you can check records/saves to see what is happening. I was getting other people’s crafted items and mine were seemingly going “somewhere else” and still were doing so last I tried.

yes it wasn’t 400 stacks, it was single stacks of a quantity of 400-1000 maybe slightly more or less depending on the type. I don’t know the numbers off hand for sure, if you are able to check a save prior to the A11 patch, that is basically what I should have had. I tried to do some crafting since then but it seemed mostly borked. I did get one CPU T2 block crafted which was added to base.

I fear we can’t do much here.
This would be a bug for Empyrion :frowning:

I’ve kinda quit anyways

:frowning: sorry to hear that, but understandable A11 was not really light of bugs…

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