Missing kills charged x2 no guilty

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: Killed 2 alliance players taking me to 11 (oops - my bad). After that I did EGS:noguilty for the first time. Charged me 200,000 and 2rp and supposed to be half that for first usage according to guide. Also has me at 2 unlawful killings despite using after being guilty. Finally those 2 kills haven’t appeared on the kill board as should be on 27 now.
Player(s) with issue: Boz78
Server: EU
Time (cb:time): 20:30
Playfield: BH
Structure Name(s): N/A
Structure ID(s): N/A
How can we help you now: Is the guide wrong or have I been charged wrong. Did the no guilty after the kills so should be at 0 unlawful kills. And would like the credit for the kills so on 27. Thanks - Boz :0)~

Furthermore I killed more alliance next day and on the first one it made me guilty again so did the egs:noguilty. Again charged me the 200,000 and 2rp (which makes sense as second time) but surely shouldn’t have been made guilty again? Did get the kill credit though. So outstanding is a potential refund of 3rp and 300k credits and 2 kills not awarded.

Cheers - Boz :0)~

That is something for @Jascha I think. Not sure if it got fixed or is something legacy from the last fresh start.


sorry for the confusion. It has to do with a bad tool hickup on that day, he did not reset your killcounter in that moment and he could not count the kills even though the logs were saved. That problem is fixed.
I restored 300k and 3RP, but I cant change the kills for the killboard (no way o do that at the moment).

Thanks for speaking up.

Thanks for sorting the RP n credits - still top of leader board (for now) so won’t complain about the missing kills ;0)

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