======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======
What happened: Missing Sv after relog .
Was in Blackhole around 2pm, destroyed several sats and multiple drones, ended up with half of an alien tower and a gold meteor stuck to my cv, which remained even after warping.
Flew back to freelancer homeplanet for repairs, and relogged to see if the stuck stuctures would be gone.
After relog everything seemed to be back to normal, meteor etc were gone, logged off for some sleep, came back on to start repairs and sv, which was docked on my cv was missing.
structure commander shows it as deleted, ramp at back of cv is also missing, and also an internal block ‘inside my base’ was damaged, but all outside structure is fine.
All structures base,cv,sv were set to faction, no drones have ever been near my base, playfield is pve
Player(s) with issue: gr0undzero
Server: Eu
Time (cb:time): between 3pm and 10pm gmt
Playfield: Freelancer Home
Structure Name(s): gz ufo
Structure ID(s): 2966991
How can we help you now: can you restore my sv please, or at least let me know what happened to it, as I didn’t delete it, and noone could have destroyed it. Thanks