If they were never on GG then the towers would not have survived more than 9 days… which they did. maybe you just need to patrol GG better. And solar panels and OLP exists on most bases… because why wouldn’t you use them?
If they were never on GG then the towers would not have survived more than 9 days… which they did. maybe you just need to patrol GG better. And solar panels and OLP exists on most bases… because why wouldn’t you use them?
They do not show respect.
Alfonzfred (05:03)
I was out mining and some newbs tried to touch me on my no no places
Alfonzfred (05:03)
I’m litterally sitting in a field
Alfonzfred (05:04)
while they are flying around like homo’s above me
Still hiding behind these towers and lying about it.
Man, you can keep denying it but I already have a TPP having admitted that it belongs to you in global chat.
Ranzeth, again, you’re only making an ass of yourself talking about things you clearly don’t know. Dusty and I were on at the same time just yesterday when Abrums chopped the SNA towers. Our IPs will be wildly different, seeing as we don’t even live on the same continent. …and post that screenshot, because I doubt it exists.
To make it very clear for you. I DO NOT HAVE AN ALT. Period. I never have, and only would if I needed more OCD space. There is no proof of me having one. I know this because there can be no proof of what does not exist.
I never thought you would be the kind of player to invent things like this Ranzeth. This is far beneath you. Clean up your act and get back to the respectable Ranzeth I used to know.
My upload speeds are terrible, full video of me ‘hiding’ beside SNA towers is coming. The video is 30 minutes of dogfighting with 3 minutes at the towers to buy time for a duel. I sat there instead of warping away immediately and after the duel ends I warp away. Proof on the way!
I would like to remind all about the benefits of OLP for new players on this wonderful server.
Many players looking to join this server have in the past been put off by the lack of Off Line Protection “I remember the mayhem of using fighting against it back in 2.0 with combat logging ect” now we have it back we have had an increase in small 1 and 2 player factions “which is great”. If a player or players want to go to Homeworld or Golden Globe to mine and place a defensive structure to feel safe then so be it.
It’s down to us more experienced players to work out ways to block/fight against them “like triangulating hv’s around an enemy base ect. If you remove the new player’s ability to protect themselves they will up and leave meaning we get bored and no more pvp and the server will die. I for one don’t want this and I also don’t want to see RexXxus and Jascha being drawn away from doing what they do best “growing this game and making it fun for all new and old players”
As long as players are not placing structures as part of an attack so just for defensive mining what’s the real harm. Players like Ucka_Bucka in his one man faction, he wants to stay this way as he wants to be able to play when he wants rather than letting a team mate down by dropping OLP when his off mining or doing his banking run.
There are many players on this server from all over the world so raiding time compatibility is not always going to be there so calling alt whenever we don’t see players on line regularly is incorrect so please take this in to account. Factions like SNA which is largely inactive one of its members that I have chatted with on discord is in Scandinavia so because we don’t see them online much does not automatically mean they are an alt.
On the subject of Alt or account sharing I will openly say I have 3 accounts in my household:-
Mine Big Red
Gyro is on family share and is played by my 10 year old son “when his not playing War Thunder”
ONL101 my 16 year old son has his own account and rarely plays if he did he would want to fight against me not with me lol.
To the best of my knowledge some of the factions like SNA, 419 and “Large P OP4” are either full off inactive or down to 1 or 2 players. The faction 419 was set up back in 5.0 by a friend of Colin2cold, my play times don’t cross with this player so I don’t know much about him other than his been around for a long time now, logs on daily but just lives out of the Op4 bunker on Homeworld so not being used as an alt on GG at all, don’t think I have ever seen one of his towers on GG?
Again if a player in this game contacts a friend in another faction (an allied player) says can you place a structure down “is this wrong” to me as long as it’s not any ware near an enemy base and things are kept within the rules that we all should abide by then that player has the right to do so.
Okay, fair enough. You managed to ally with some random faction that no one else has ever seen online and who mysteriously drops bases down on GG for you to use. You’ll have to forgive us for thinking that it all seems ‘a bit too convenient’.
Regarding these 1 or 2 man factions that are setting shop up on Homeworld/GG like Por, I don’t really have a problem with them because they are active players.The rules should be set up in a way to prevent this abuse from coming around, but currently, there is no good in-game system that can be used - though it’s been hinted at that 8.0 might solve the problem.
I will say it’s up to the experienced players to not use ‘mostly inactive’ players to create an edge for themselves. We are the seasoned pvpers and no one should be resorting to these types of ‘tricks’ to gain an advantage.
Great Video Grizz and some nice piloting skills from both you and your son.
Yep loved it if that wont aquit you. i dont know what will.
I know we all like to fight each other but fighting on the forums isn’t the best option.
Besides misuse of OLP we’re all starting to squabble about other things.
So far OLP being used as cover is an issue, smaller factions is an issue, smaller factions with OLP towers seems to be an issue.
One thing I’m seeing is that a lot of things are happening on a ‘he said she said’ scenario so I’m going to throw this in, maybe we need moderated pvp fights, and perhaps like EVE have a new system where you can declare war against a faction for a limited period of time.
The issue is just these factions that are never online when anyone else is - who then place down OLP towers that Op4/TPP/PKA use.
Apparently, the issue is also SWP spawning OLP bases within firing range of bases which is a clear violation of the rules.
With all due respect Silent, when will you and your allies stop bending/breakingt he rules?
Hi Ranzeth,
I am providing at least of one many solutions. However your post is was not out of respect and you haven’t said which rules were broken. I do reserve the right to report you to steam for harassment.
Thank you,
Silent Reaper
lol alirghty then
7.0 Colin/Mattcore other Op4? Used gatling gun glitch to shoot through blocks.
7.5 Op4/TPP/PKA have been using OLP towers that belong to some guy who know one but you have talked too .
I"ve heard one TPP guy say it’s ‘my sons account’, another Op4 member said it’s some guy in Sweden (or somewhere). So yes it feels to me like your faction ‘bends/’ the rules.
If facts are harrassment then cool cool go a head.
Very sad all of this turning out into a political past crawl ping pong game instead of searching a solution together.
Forcing me alone to play the babysitter for so many people.
Enough, I gave you time to solve it in a mannered way but until alpha 8 comes out with bunch of solutions I go and fix it my way as good as I can.