My starter SV is no longer accessible

What happened: My base was attacked and destroyed yesterday morning. When I was able to retake, all three of my starter SV ships were present, but one was missing a cockpit – Which I added last night. This morning when I log in (sitting in my cockpit), the ship is no longer in my faction and I cannot do anything but exit.

Player(s) with issue: Zikes
Server: HWS-NA
Time (cb:time): 8/12: 9:00 EDT
Playfield: Akua - Alpha Starter System
Structure Name(s): SV MERC-MX5E
Structure ID(s): Cannot open
How can we help you now: Can I get this retagged to me. There are also two other SV ships that were at my destroyed base (BA Zikes BA1) which have also disappeared. I’m too far to get over so can’t be sure.

The issue here is that you were previously in a Z-T faction I think.
You left it, so the ship has no owner anymore.
I’ve set it to you (private) for now.

The others too

Thank you!

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