OCD Can Not Deliver to Faction PLanet

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: Rex reset our faction planet but the OCD will now not deliver and it is PVE
Player(s) with issue: Tripwire
Server: NA
Time (cb:time): 2040
Playfield: TCB Faction Planet
Structure Name(s): Fation Planet
Structure ID(s): N/A
How can we help you now: Please set it so we can deliver items from our OCDs to the faction planet please

Alright, done.

The tool has a new feature about it and needs more cautious about that still.

Thanks @RexXxuS

Sorry but its still not working. I just tried it and it still tells me Im on a starter or PVP play filed.

Narf, sorry, my mistake. Fixed

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