Please help our return

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> My clan and myself after a long break are itching to rejoin HWS; however we were all wondering if we still have any of our gold, auto miner, ect because it looks like this page got juiced up from when we were on. MY clan all had paid like 30$ or something to forever keep our gold " I’m not sure I remember what the plan was called" But we paid that and another 15$ for additional perks. I was wondering if you could look those up via our names or Steam names? Are we even able to get anything back?

Player(s) with issue:
=> The North Men clan, I can get specific user IDS and info when needed


Time (cb:time):
=> I will have to check when we last logged


Structure Name(s):

Structure ID(s):

How can we help you now:
=>What do we have for options if any to get our old saved ship info, gold anything I’m curious what that lifetime money we paid for is current valued for if anything?


glad to hear you want to come back.
Just send me the Player ID’s please.
Nothing gets lost here, so all should be there. To check it yourself just join the game and move a few meters, then check your HWS connect a few minutes later. We just don’t send any data to HWS connect if you are inactive for some time. So a little login and movement is enough to get it started again.

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Awesome; you guys rock. I never left the Discord and always see you guys updating its crazy to see how much has been added to the server and your homepage since I first started playing. I will get all the Player ID’s ASAP and login once I get home tonight. Appriacate the help and look forward to chatting soon.

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