Problem with banking

This situation is played for more than a month after the wipe, everything was fine with the banking until the moment when instead of 200 000 I tried to put 2 000 000 on the account. Now the payment for parking comes within 2 000 000 (I understand that for parking), in general, already natikalo for two weeks 88 000 000, appear on the trade once a day, two for half an hour a maximum, a couple of times left for a day, until mistakes with the translation was all normal.

Такая ситуация играю больше месяца после вайпа, всё было нормально с банкингом до момента как вместо 200 000 попытался положить 2 000 000 на счёт. Теперь оплата за стоянку приходит в пределах 2 000 000 (я так понимаю что за стоянку), в общем уже натикало за две недели 88 000 000, появляюсь на трейде раз в сутки- двое на пол часа максимум, пару раз оставлял на сутки, до ошибки с переводом всё было нормально.


interesting story but without the proper details I don’t know what to do.

what details are needed?

Click on the link above I send you and you will see.
I don’t know on what server your are playing, what ingame name you have, at what time it happened exactly, on what playfield, what you expected, what the result is, no screenshots and how we should help you know in the end.

If you have answers for that we can help easily I guess.

1 Unsuitable banking work due to Huge Debt
2 Serega_Nomad
3 HWS EU | PvPvE | Custom Universe | Story | Hard | Active | Mods |
4 Happened abruptly after a money transfer error

Check for what such non-raising amounts are accrued, completely zero, wipe private banking (with payments on the server completely agree, BUT NOT with those who do not really handle even trading). So I understand there was a failure of the work that the level of banking did not raise and a large amount of attempted translation, gave a failure

Ok, thanks.

So you tried to do a “eb:payin:all” or so and you got taxed?!

Then you parked in ECC and got taxed?

The problem is that I don’t have all logs from you because you didn’t play for a long time I guess and @Jascha is currently at vacation.

Until I don’t have verification from him I will set the Debt to 0 for now.

Prior to that mistake with the translation there were no problems, at least did not pay attention because in the bank were there were starting 250,000 and they replenished back if finished. At one point I understand that the account is zero and attempts to replenish without result, the debt fell more accurately then if I’m not mistaken immediately at 30-50 000 000. Remembering realized that it started after a translation error that the first level of banking could not accept a large amount of what is supposed to be and after This debt began to grow before our eyes and could not keep up with him. Thank you for your work and forgiveness for unnecessary concern.

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